Saturday, August 13, 2011

We aren't your ordinary charity - Start controlling the value from your online world

PRLog (Press Release) - Aug 12, 2011 - Uncommon Love [] is a Los Angeles based charity that has recently come up with a few new innovate websites.  It took a few years of researching and testing but as of July 1st the websites are up and running.  We wanted to make sure that people had a way to fundraise without asking for money, or selling products like cookies or candy.  We linked with companies/sponsors to provide customized fundraiser opportunities, that help solve the companies marketing needs while raising funds for the user's cause of choice [church, charity, tuition, ect.].  We also wanted to create an online environment where they would be able to finally control the value that's earned from their everyday actions online.  Using our social network and search engine, they can interact with all of their normal websites in one online environment, that allows them to control the advertiser's that appear when visitors come to their page, or when they interact with their content [You can visit us at].

Our three current projects:

Online and offline networking systems: 1/3 of the world doesn't have access to computer technology and internet services.  A large majority of people don't have the opportunity to utilize the internet all the time, nor do they have service everywhere they go.  Through our new idea people can communicate with the current growing online population, through phone, letters, or other offline elements.  Allowing them to send it to one location and know it will be getting posted to the internet through our social network or through other possibilities.  This system also allows for people to communicate back to them at a low cost or a subsided cost.  So messages, status updates, pictures, or even video can reach a person who doesn't have internet access.  Creating a slower network, that allows for advanced communication with a high speed network.  

Income and Opportunity generation engines:  We have created a great new idea through [ a.k.a].  For the first time the average untrained person can become more valuable to a corporation then a TV commercial.  With the growing success of viral and word of mouth ad campaigns we have patented an idea that allows people to connect directly to companies with large advertising needs, using the internet or offline elements.  The idea revolves around the ability for one person to reach out to at least 1,000 other people within one year.  This includes friends, family, strangers(from the supermarket to the freeway), and co workers, this creates income for the individuals by connecting people who normally would have no reason to talk to each other.  We have multiple projects and ideas that the individual user's can use to help promote or advertise for the companies.  This can be a great way for developing and emerging countries to utilize their more affluent/successful citizens to help create income and necessary opportunities.  A company needs to advertise, but they don't need to give millions to just one advertising agency.  They can instead distribute this money to the general public to reach their target audience in direct way's, from video, to online advertising, to a phone call.  The money exchanged through this system can help fund ideas, education, and it can help people pay for their daily needs.  It can be grouped together to help purchase larger items or to help fund larger future possibilities, as the communities' link with each other and help pave their own path to success.  This could mean that the cost of food for a family in Africa can be covered, through just $1000.00 made in a year as they pro remote control helicopter mote 5 different companies to the people they meet each day.  This also means that an American college student can use our website/charity if they are interested in helping out a city in southern Somalia, because they can raise $10,000 just through their 100 friends on facebook.

This system is ingenious and it has been tested with over 100 different advertisers' to ensure that each project can really be successful.  Through just one of my research studi best rc helicopter buy sell market place es I was able to raise $2,000.00 through just 20 family members and friends in just 1 year.

Moving Farm Systems:  I have created an idea that can take an enclosed movable farm from the beginning stage of just seeds or even already maturing plants and transport an entire system into an African Nation or a nation dealing with an emergency/natural disaster.  The system essentially allows us to create a fully enclosed environment where everything is recycled including the water, this also means that crops can survived through long droughts alot easier, because the soil isn't losing any of the water that is coming, and at the same time they are collecting and saving even more water for direct application to the crops and animals, without any possibilities of waste.

We look forward to meeting you

The Original Research Group - Visit us at - -

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